Embarrassing bladder problems

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Embarrassing bladder problems

4 types of urinary incontinence. Loss of involuntary urine or urinary incontinence is one of the physical conditions that are most embarrassing to women.

“There are different types of urinary incontinence; patients need to identify the times and activities where they observe that loss of urinecontrol”

Overflow incontinence:

It happens when the bladder does not empty completely, and the volume of urine exceeds its capacity, causing a leak of urine.

Stress incontinence:

It occurs when performing physical activities such as sneezing, coughing, or exercise.

Mixed incontinence:

Urinary incontinence is a condition that occurs due to the weakening of the pelvic floor that supports the bladder and urethra.

Technology has developed the BTL Emsella device, a medical-cosmetic treatment that uses activated
electromagnetic energy to efficiently generate pelvic floor contractions to help patients with urinary incontinence. This device allows the patient to experience 11,000 pelvic strengthening exercises in 30 minutes.

Patients who have tried the BTL EMSELLA device experienced significant positive changes in urine control, regaining the confidence to perform daily activities such as laughing, running, or jumping.

The content of this article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice.

You may also read: Nature, an ally of the circulatory system

Urinary incontinence? Nature, an ally of the circulatory system
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