Why do I have a double chin?

Many factors cause the accumulation of fat under the chin and neck, but not all of them are related to being overweight. Aging, smoking, hormonal imbalance, inheritance or gaining weight in a short period, are other possible causes for getting a double chin.


Until recently, the only option available to treat a double chin was the surgical procedure known as liposuction. However, this procedure could bring complications and risks because it is performed under general anesthesia. This procedure also requires a considerable period of time for recovery and specialized care, such as the use of a chin guard.
The double chin reduction treatment with Exilis Ultra™ is a non-invasive medical option that reduces localized fat and helps improve skin elasticity and toning to prevent excess tissue.


How many sessions do I need to eliminate the double chin?

The general recommendation is a treatment of six (6) sessions; however, each patient is different, and therefore, we recommend a consultation visit to evaluate each case.

How long is the procedure?

The double chin reduction treatment with Exilis Ultra™ lasts approximately 30 minutes.


Care after treatment
  • Getting healthy eating habits and increasing water consumption to at least 8 glasses a day.
  • Performing the exercises indicated by the specialist.
  • Including the chin area in the daily skin care routine.


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The facial treatments are indicated to care, nourish and prevent the aging marks of the skin.

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